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Spotlight on: Tom Sawyer’s Summer Paint Job

Each year, Dells Army Ducks ensures the quality and safety of their boats by performing maintenance procedures and restorations. This past season was no different. Built in 1946 in Pontiac, Michigan, the Tom Sawyer has been a Dells Army Duck in the Field Family since the early 1970’s. The original color of the vehicle was olive drab, which represents the color used by the U.S. Army in the 1940’s. This past winter season, it has been restored and repainted for future tours. On your next Dells Army Duck Tour, you may be lucky enough to ride aboard the Tom Sawyer.

Memories Begin Here
  • Army Ducks
  • Wildthing
  • Boat Patrol
  • Bigfoot Ziplines
  • Big Foot Ropes Course